studio — Currently somewhere in Mombasa, Kenya.

Dear listener, is a sort of poly-entandre. To elucidate: The podcast and accompanying media serve to document dreamscapes through the eyes of untrained observers. The observer, on a good day, searches for fulfillment within the dreamscape’s parameters. Further, represents a passionate effort put forth by a pair of individuals attempting to document any and all places where the wild things might, in fact, be.

To do this, we spange the well-meaning Mohammed Q. Publics of the world. We sing songs while shaking change-laden magic hats and work in dens of ill-repute for food and lodging. We record, cut, promote, etc in wildlife preserves, highway interchanges and anarchic happenstances, worldwide. gets made by any means necessary.

This is where you come in, dear listener. Currently, we have around six-hundred dollars in imperial currency that function both as the budget for the project and that to-our-names-type dough. does not have any interest in ads, sponsorship or other commercial engagement. We feel that it a) will cheapen and ultimately break the organic progression of our machinations; b) is unethical to cash in on what was so freely given to us. Everything we have is donated. All the content and human necessities are donated by the people and land wherever happens to be. Our file storage and web hosting are graciously provided by and Autistici/Inventati. They ask for nothing in return. Twenty-five percent of donations go straight to them. We understand that times are tough all over and appreciate any nickels, leftovers, or roaches y’all can spare.
Or we can just have shit like this every five goddamn minutes: Don’t worry we won’t actually.
Naturally, in-kind and experiential donations are most preferable. For those email Don’t be shy.
Or, sister, can you spare a dime? PayPal obviously isn’t the best choice but it’s the best we’ve got currently.
(Un)Fortunately, this will get made whether or not we’ve got any money. Don’t fret on our account. And we truly, truly, truly appreciate all those Earth dwellers out there who have generously donated couches, stories, hot meals, cold showers, and any/everything that makes possible.